This is a suite of professional services provided to clients who are interested in optimizing their business, finding investments or financing facilities in the IT-industry.
The work of our specialists is, first of all, to research, evaluate, analyze the client's business processes, substantiate the prospects for business development. This information allows you to make informed decisions.
Consulting services are to provide the client with grounded information on current problems for him on a variety of objects and issues. We specialize in IT-related issues. We have been working with companies of different levels for over 20 years, so we have extensive experience and valuable knowledge.

Our specialists help to solve the following tasks:
Investment design
The service allows for an unbiased evaluation of the whole project and includes the fulfilment of some tasks - from the business plan to the preparation of an investment memorandum (a document covering the potential investor aspects of the future project) and ending with a comprehensive evaluation of the project.
Development of business plans
They are needed to make an objective and sober assessment of any project, especially when you need to be interested in partners or attract external capital. This includes a description of the company, team, product and resources needed, a comprehensive market analysis, marketing plan, risk description and detailed project finals.
Efficiency is a priority
We work with companies of different size and type of activity and are ready to provide everyone with the necessary volume of services, which results in the development of an investment project
Engaging our specialists will significantly reduce the time and resources to achieve the desired result, improve the quality, efficiency and reliability of business decisions.
Intecracy Ventures helps minimize risks, which includes planning, evaluating, analyzing, and controlling the progress of an investment project.
We work with both the project investor and the owner of the investment idea at the process and expert levels.
Engaging our specialists will significantly reduce the time and resources to achieve the desired result, improve the quality, efficiency and reliability of business decisions.
Intecracy Ventures helps minimize risks, which includes planning, evaluating, analyzing, and controlling the progress of an investment project.
We work with both the project investor and the owner of the investment idea at the process and expert levels.