
The Global Legal Hackathon team of Intecracy Group and Aequo has developed a platform to prove ownership

The International Decentralized Distributed Platform is a technology solution initiated and developed by the Intecracy Group and Aequo team as part of the Global legal Hackathon.

To respond quickly and in a coordinated manner to the challenges of the global crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2, countries and businesses have teamed up to find digital solutions and create joint projects. But who owns the intellectual property rights when the state and business cooperate? The IDDP project is designed to answer this question.

Vitaliy Kukhar, CEO, MAFIN ENTERPRISE, Intecracy Group — the author of the idea that formed the basis of the technical solution to the problem from the Global Legal Hackathon. The essence of the idea is to create a decentralized distributed platform based on electronic digital signature and version control for business and / or conglomerate state-business, which will allow them to jointly create and develop various projects and / or business with ownership from the first to the last stage of cooperation.

The platform will provide an opportunity to work together on any private, national or international project, delineate and separate, from a legal point of view, the field of responsibility of the parties, personal and corporate rights of each participant, and will record even the smallest contribution of each. Such a platform will also provide the team with a clear and inviolable rule of ownership, both from the standpoint of the individual and from the standpoint of business or the state as a whole.

All relations between the parties are confirmed by a digital or electronic signature at each stage of project development. The platform contains a version control system adapted to the tasks of the platform. This guarantees safe work with changing information at each stage of the project: project creation, adding documents, editing, etc. And in case of unauthorized data changes at least on one of the nodes of the platform, the information contained on other nodes will remain unchanged.

Victor Golub, Business Analyst, BHander, Intecracy Group — conducted a business examination of the Ukrainian and international IT markets, the analysis of the results of which confirmed that this decision is not just extremely relevant for urgent, prompt and effective solution of the acute problem of conglomerate rights, but In addition, it is the first and only comprehensive and sophisticated system today, which makes it truly unique in the world market, designed to verify and simplify the relationship in the process of online cooperation from anywhere in the world and even beyond. any variation of the parties' participation in the projects.

Stanislav Zadvorny, Chief Design Officer, Softengi, Intecracy Group — has developed an exclusive visual solution, the main purpose of which is to provide all project participants with ease of use of the system. Advises the team on design thinking and project aesthetics. Stanislav is the author of numerous design concepts, 15+ years of experience in design, co-developer of startups, in particular, specializes in the development of the interface of products and services, research, testing and analysis.

Natalia Dryuk, Advisor, Aequo, is a legal expert specializing in intellectual property and dispute resolution. Among hundreds of projects, Natalia identified the most pressing issues related to intellectual property: the combination of efforts of many parties working together to develop various IT projects requires tools for easy and clear regulation of IP rights. The platform the team is working on should be just such a tool. After analyzing the market of existing services and programs, Natalia determined that none of them still offers a solution similar to this project.

Eugene Levitsky, Counselor, Aequo, is a legal expert specializing in dispute resolution. His experience in numerous lawsuits and industrial specialization allows the team to develop the most legally effective solution. Eugene has extensive experience working on legal tech projects that have been successfully launched at Aequo.

It will be recalled that the other day a joint multi-competent team of Aequo and Intecracy Group joined the Global Legal Hackathon, which initiated the Global Legal Hackathon (GLH) with the support of the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers.

The hackathon takes place online from April 27 to May 22, 2020 and aims to find answers to a number of problems faced by business, governments and society. It brings together lawyers, developers, designers and businessmen who use technology and other means to try to solve a range of legal and related issues. About 200 calls have been registered so far and more than 180 projects have already offered their vision solutions.

Global Legal Hackathon

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Intecracy Ventures helps to attract investments and invest funds in projects that meet the requirements of the company for the quality of management and business processes. We know how to realize the intellectual potential technically, without disturbing IT companies, how to protect the IT business legally and monetize the project at various stages.

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